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Centre for Writing Competence

The Writing Centre was established in 2007 and has ever since been a reference point when it comes to research and writing in an academic context at the University of Cologne. As part of the Dean's Ooffice, we offer a great variety of services: singular as well as regular peer-coaching and workshops on methods and techniques of writing in an academic context. We also offer a trainee programme for students interested in becoming writing coaches themselves.

In addition to these various services, an ongoing topic of research at our Centre focuses on the linguistic and psychological aspects of the writing process.

Follow the links below to take a closer look


  • The dates for our (German) writing workshops are now out.
  • The university library offers interesting sessions on how to do research in their "Coffee Lectures".
  • There are classes on the topic: "Ready-to-Hausarbeit" provided by the University Library on ILIAS.
  • Our writing group meets Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30. If you want to participate, please write an e-mail to: Zoom is still possible.
  • The University of Antwerp developed a learning tool that helps you to acquire academic writing competencies in English.
  • The free online-programme Plastischer Reader supports users in finding and correcting (German) orthographic and language weaknesses.Since it works with a rather good translation tools, it can also support users whose first language is not German in testing whether their texts might need revisions in working or grammar.
  • The online Writing-tutorial on the Ethics of Science(in German) is online.